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Publications & Presentations
Culminating Dialogue
An investigation of Leaders' Role in Employee Mental Health. Presented by Amanda Hancock on June 12, 2024
How Mental Health Stigma Undermines Constructive Leadership in Resource Usage. Presented by Kara Arnold on June 12, 2024
‘Senior leaders’ perceptions of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety at Work’ in ‘Employee Mental Health, Interpersonal Discrimination at Work, and how Human Resources Can Help’.
Recommended Citation: Hancock, A.J., Arnold, K.A., Bourgeualt, I.L. (2023). ‘Senior leaders’ perceptions of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety at Work’ in ‘Employee Mental Health, Interpersonal Discrimination at Work, and how Human Resources Can Help’. Symposium by O’Reilly, J., Quintal-Clarke, D. (August 7, 2023). Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Gilbert, S. & Kelloway, E.K. (2021). Grief in the workplace. In T. Wall, C. Cooper and P. Brough (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing. Oxford, UK
Gulseren, D. & Kelloway, E.K. (2021). Working Through the Pain: The Chronic Pain Experience of Full-time Employees. Occupational Health Science.
Jones-Chick, R. & Kelloway, E.K. (2021). The 3 Pillars of Mental Health in the Workplace: Prevention, Intervention, and Accommodation. In T. Wall, C. Cooper and P. Brough (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing. Oxford, UK
Kelloway, E.K. (2021) "Continuing to work from home amidst Covid-19" Presented for the Work Wellness Institute's Vancouver Webinar.
Kelloway, E.K (2021) "Emotional health and happiness in the life of a business leader" Presented at RBC (RBC is a Russian Business News Network similar to CNN), Moscow. November 2021
Arnold, K. (2021) "Leadership and Well-being at Work" Presented for the Project Management Institute, Newfoundland &Labrador Chapter. October 2021
Kelloway, E.K. (2021) "Work and Wellbeing During a Pandemic" presented at the Nexia Canada Regional Conference, Halifax NS. October 2021
Kelloway, E.K. (2021) "Leadership during the Pandemic" Presented at the biannual meeting of the APA Work Stress and Health conference. September 2021
Arnold, K.A. & Hancock, A.J. June 25, 2020. “Mental Health in the Workplace: A Virtual Symposium”, Webinar for IPAC-NL (Institute of Public Administration of Canada), Moderated by Amanda Hancock; Panelists: Kara A. Arnold, Louise Bradley & Dennis Hogan.
Bonin, G., Dimoff, J.K., DiFrancesco, L., Corner, A.J., & Speer, J. 2020. “Workplace mental health: When your workplace becomes your home”, Telfer School of Management, Webinar, Ottawa,
Kelloway, E.K. (2020). “Leadership and mental health: How leaders need to take care of their team.” Work Wellness Institute, Webinar, Vancouver,
Amell, T., Vissers, D., Friesen, J., Kelloway, E.K., Back, C. (2020). ‘Panel Webinar: Experts on gradual return to work.” Work Wellness Institute, Webinar, Vancouver.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “Mental health in the workplace: Sharing insights on warning signs and responses for managers”, NUA, Invited Talk, Ottawa, January
Arnold, K., Hancock, A., & Dimoff, J. (August 23, 2020) “How to be a transformational, supportive leader during Covid-19.” Kevinmd.com. https://www.kevinmd.com/2020/08/how-to-be-a-transformational-supportive-leader-during-covid-19.html
Arnold, K.A., Hancock, A.J., Dimoff, J.K. (August 13, 2020). “Opinion: What your boss' mental health means for yours.” Healthing.ca. https://www.healthing.ca/opinion/opinion-is-your-boss-bringing-you-down.
In the news
Arnold, K., Hancock, A., & Dimoff, J. (2022) "Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 Affects Leadership in the Workplace" published an article for The Good Men Project
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “5 tips to help managers look after their own mental health”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “5 Tips to help employees look after their own mental health”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. & Kershaw, O. 2020. “Covid Coffee Conversation: Mental health in the workplace”, Avison Young, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “How to recognize employees’ warning signs in a remote setting?”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “Key management practices for leaders to apply in an effort to safeguard their employees’ mental health in the context of remote work and crisis”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Meet The Team
Kara Arnold (Team Lead) (she/her)
Kara Arnold is a Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management at the Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University Newfoundland. Her research has focused on psychological factors associated with employee well-being, and gender issues in leadership within various organizational settings. She is particularly interested in how leadership styles of supervisors affect employee psychological well-being.
Jennifer Dimoff (she/her) is an Assistant Professor with the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa and an Affiliate Faculty member at Oregon Health & Science University. Her primary area of research focuses on the intersections between leadership, occupational health and safety, and employee training and development. She has co-developed the Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT)—one of the first scientifically evaluated mental health training programs for workplace leaders.
Kevin Kelloway is the Canada Research Chair in Occupational Health Psychology and Professor of Organizational Psychology at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was the founding director of the CN Centre for Occupational Health and Safety and a founding principal of the Centre for Leadership Excellence at Saint Mary's. Kevin is the former president (2016) of the Canadian Psychology Association.
Laurent Lapierre (he/him) is a Professor in the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa and holds the Ian Telfer Professorship in Workplace Behaviour and Health. His research mainly addresses occupational health psychology, with particular emphasis on work-family issues, such as determinants of work-family conflict and work-family enrichment.
Amanda J. Hancock (she/her) is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Management Program at Memorial University of Newfoundland where she is supervised by Dr. Kara Arnold. Her SSHRC-funded dissertation research focuses on employee perceptions of leaders’ concealable stigmatized identities. After completing her Masters of Science in Applied Health Services Research, Amanda worked in health human resources for seven years.