News For All Professions
The Gendered Nature of Mental Health Issues - Rogers TV, January 13, 2022
Healthy Professional Worker Partnership: Preliminary Comparative Findings Report. December 8, 2021
Press Release: New study find professional workers, especially women, report significantly higher rates of mental health distress during the pandemic. Quoi Media Group. December 8, 2021
"‘We’re focusing on the most invisible of injuries’: research project targets mental health at work", Global News January 25, 2019
“Nipissing University professor part of landmark study on mental health” Northbaynipissing.com, October 10, 2018
“Dr. Ferguson part of large landmark study on mental health in the workplace” The NU News, October 10, 2018
Tulk, C., Mantler, J., Power, N., & Bourgeault, I. (2023, Nov). Pathways to leaves of absences in academia. Paper presentation accepted for presentation at Work, Stress and Health 2023. Virtual.
Mantler, J., Tulk, C., Simkin, S., Boateng, H. A., & Bourgeault, I. (2023, Nov). Managing leaves of absence: Applying the research. Paper presentation accepted for presentation at Work, Stress and Health 2023. Virtual.
Young, C. (October 7, 2020). La pandémie a aggravé les inégalités entre les membres du corps professoral, touchant davantage les femmes et les personnes à statut précaire. Policy Options Politiques. https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/october-2020/la-pandemie-a-aggrave-le-stress-chez-les-professeures-duniversite/.
Young, C. (October 7, 2020). Pandemic Exacerbates Already High Levels of Stress Among Women Faculty. Ms.Magazine. https://msmagazine.com/2020/10/07/coronavirus-covid-19-mental-health-stress-women-faculty-teachers-colleges-universities/.
Harron, J. (January 25, 2019). Sociologist leading study on professionals’ mental health. Memorial University The Gazette. https://gazette.mun.ca/research/oh-me-nerves/.
CAUT Bulletin on academic anxiety May 2018
"It's time for CPAs to have a mental health check up." Interviewed by Pivot Magazine, October 2022
"Mental Health and the Accounting Profession - Insights and Interventions from Recent Canadian Research." ThinkTwenty20, Summer 2022
"Fostering the Mental Health of Accountants: Recent Initiatives and Research." ThinkTwenty20, Summer 2021
Mario Brondani engaged in discussion with John O'Keefe about CDA Oasis via Facebook Live.
Maragha, T., & Brondani, M. (November 5, 2020). Dentists are the forgotten front line. Winnipeg Free Press. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/opinion/analysis/dentists-are-the-forgotten-front-line-572978152.html.
McMillan, K (November 10, 2021). The Many Faces of Burnout Rawtalk Podcast #Ep101
McMillan, K. (July 26, 2021). Why Canadian nurses are leaving the profession (12:34-19:34). CBC Radio: The Current with Robyn Bresnahan. https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-63/clip/15857090.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario on Health System Transformation & COVID-19 Webinar August 10 2020
Ayoub, A., Price, S.L., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Lackie, K., & Bourgeault, I.L. (July 10, 2020). Nurses’ mental health, leave of absence and return to work experiences: Introducing a new partnership initiative. RNAO Blog. https://doris-blog.rnao.ca/post/nurses-mental-health-leave-absence-and-return-work-experiences-introducing-new-partnership.
CBC Radio Ottawa on new Ontario Nurses Health Program January 31 2019
Education (K-12)
Corrente, M. (2024, April 22) “Mental Health Toolkit for Education Workers: A Resource”, PHE Journal. https://phecanada.ca/professional-learning/journal/mental-health-toolkit-for-education-workers-resource
Canadian Teachers’ Federation. (Executive Producer). (2024, April 12) “ABSENT: Not Meeting Student Needs, A Systemic Problem (Part 2)” [Audio podcast]. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1915283/14822749-absent-not-meeting-student-needs-a-systemic-problem-part-2-absences-besoins-insatisfaits-des-eleves-un-probleme-systemique-episode-2
Canadian Teachers’ Federation. (Executive Producer). (2024, April 5) “ABSENT: The Violence of Austerity in Schools (Part 1)” [Audio podcast]. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1915283/14738253-absent-the-violence-of-austerity-in-schools-part-1-absences-la-violence-de-l-austerite-a-l-ecole-episode-1
Palmer, M. (2023) “Substance Use by Teachers More Than Doubled During the Pandemic”, Canadian Teacher, 1(20). https://canadianteachermagazine.com/2023/01/20/substance-use-by-teachers-more-than-doubled-during-the-pandemic/
“Research on teachers' mental health presented on national stage." The NU News. December 20, 2022
Corrente, M. (January 4, 2022) "Rather than focusing on teacher burn out, let's talk about teacher burn in." Quoi Media
Wilson, P. (May 27, 2021). Teachers at 'tipping point' – researchers. The North Bay Nugget, p. A1. https://www.nugget.ca/news/teachers-at-tipping-point-researchers
Scholars say pressure on teachers is overwhelming, call for the provision of mental health support. (May 25, 2021). SingTao Daily, p. A2.
Canadian K-12 Teachers at a Breaking Point: Education Experts Say Systemic Changes are Urgently Needed to Support Their Mental Health (May 23, 2021). Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences Blog. https://congress2021.ca/congress-blog/canadian-k-12-teachers-breaking-point-education-experts-say-systemic-changes-are
Corrente, M. (May 20, 2021) "Canadian Teachers At A Breaking Point". CTV News Ottawa
Corrente, M (September 1, 2020). Teacher’s Mental Health (12:20-20:00), Global News - The Morning News with Sue Deyell and Andrew Schultz.
Corrente, M. (August 26, 2020). In the rush to get back to school, let’s not forget teachers’ mental health. The Star. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/08/26/in-the-rush-to-get-back-to-school-lets-not-forget-teachers-mental-health.html
Arnold, K., Hancock, A., & Dimoff, J. (2022) "Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 Affects Leadership in the Workplace" published an article for The Good Men Project
Arnold, K., Hancock, A., & Dimoff, J. (August 23, 2020) “How to be a transformational, supportive leader during Covid-19.” Kevinmd.com. https://www.kevinmd.com/2020/08/how-to-be-a-transformational-supportive-leader-during-covid-19.html
Arnold, K.A., Hancock, A.J., Dimoff, J.K. (August 13, 2020). “Opinion: What your boss' mental health means for yours.” Healthing.ca. https://www.healthing.ca/opinion/opinion-is-your-boss-bringing-you-down.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “5 tips to help managers look after their own mental health”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “5 Tips to help employees look after their own mental health”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. & Kershaw, O. 2020. “Covid Coffee Conversation: Mental health in the workplace”, Avison Young, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “How to recognize employees’ warning signs in a remote setting?”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.
Dimoff, J.K. 2020. “Key management practices for leaders to apply in an effort to safeguard their employees’ mental health in the context of remote work and crisis”, Global Watch, Invited Interview, Ottawa.