Education (K-12)
Sources of Data
Presentations & Publications
In The News
Click below for the education case report!
Sources of Data
Interviewed 26 different educational stakeholders
A total of 1146 worker surveys were gathered
Interviewed 53 education workers
Social Media Graphics
Source: Corrente, M. & Ferguson, K. (May/June 2021). Stakeholders Speak Up: Mental Health Realities Across the Profession. Presented at the 2021 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
To cite this infographic: Corrente, M., Ferguson, K., Mawko, J., & Bourgeault, I. (June 2021). Stakeholders Speak Up: Mental Health Realities Across the Profession [Infographic]. Healthy Professional Worker Partnership – Teaching.
Check out the findings from @ProfHealthy’s teaching stakeholder interviews 👀
View and download the full infographic here👇
#HealthyWork #CdnEd #MentalHealthMatters
From the 26 ed. stakeholders interviewed, @ProfHealthy found that
⚠️Teacher stress+anxiety levels have been exacerbated
⚠️Current expectations placed upon teachers are not sustainable
⚠️Systemic changes are needed to support tchr #mentalhealth
Learn more:
Additional Social Media Infographics
Culminating Dialogue
School Violence: Experiences and Impacts on Canadian Education Workers. Presented by Kristen Ferguson on June 12, 2024
Teachers, Teaching & Mental Health. Presented by Susan Rodger on June 12, 2024
Preliminary Findings
Corrente, M., Ferguson K., Rodger, S. (2022) Education Worker Mental Health: Where Do We Go From Here? Healthy Productive Work Partnership. The University of Ottawa, Virtual [webinar].
Ferguson, K., James, Y., & Bourgeault, I. (2022). Teacher Mental Health and Leaves of Absences: A Pilot Study Examining Gender and Care. The Canadian Journal of Education. 45(2), 315-349.
Corrente, M., Ferguson, K., & Bourgeault, I. Teacher Leaves of Absences and Return to Work: A Scoping Review. (2022). Journal of Teaching and Learning, 16(1), 23-43.
Additional Presentations & Publications
Ferguson, K. & Corrente, M. (2024) “Canadian Education Workers’ Experiences with Violence in Schools.” NU 360, The Student Centre, North Bay.
Ferguson, K., Tulk, C ., Corrente, M., Rodger, S., & Bourgeault, I. (2024) “Experiences of Teachers with Mental Health Issues and Workplace Accommodations.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.
Ferguson, K. & Corrente, M. (2023) “Protecting Your Mental Health: Exploring Resources for Teachers and Education Workers.” Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, Toronto.
Ferguson, K. & Corrente, M. (2023) “Fill Your Own Cup First: Exploring Teacher and Education Worker Mental Health Resources.” Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, Toronto.
Ferguson, K., Tulk, C., Corrente, M., Rodger,. S. & Bourgeault, I. (2023) “Facilitators and Barriers to Return to Work for Teachers Taking a Leave of Absence Due to Mental Health Issues.” Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA), Work, Stress, and Health: 2023 Conference, Virtual.
Corrente, M., Ferguson, K., & Bourgeault, I. (2023) “Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Exploring a Teacher Mental Health Hub.” Paper presented at Healthy Schools National Forum, PHE Canada, Ottawa, ON. .
Ferguson, K., Tulk., C., & Corrente, M. (2023) “Leaves of Absences Among Canadian Teachers: Frequency, Facilitators, and Barriers.” Paper presented at the 57th Annual Conference of the Canadian Sociological Association. Toronto: ON
Corrente, M., Ferguson, K., & Bourgeault, I. (2023) “Supporting Teacher Mental Health: A Call to Action.” Paper presented at the 9th Annual IAFOR International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Corrente, M., Simkin, S., Atanackovic, J., Bourgeault, I. (2022) "Leading Practices for Safeguarding the Mental Health of MH Researchers" Presented at Canadian Health Workforce Conference. December 2022
Corrente, M., & Ferguson, K. (2022) "Mental Health CARE Toolkit for Teachers." Presented at Canadian Teachers' Federation National Staff Conference. November 2022
Corrente, M., Atanackovic, J., Baczkowska, M. (2022) "Insights on Curating a Health Worker Focused Mental Health Matrix." Presented at Canadian Health Workforce Conference
Corrente, M., Ferguson, K., & Bourgeault, I. (2022). Utilizing COVID-19 as a Magnifying Glass into Teacher Mental Health. The 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Sociological Association. York University, Virtual.
Corrente, M., Ferguson, K., & Bourgeault, I. (2022). Education Workers Speak Up -COVID 19 and Mental Health Issues in the Teaching Profession. 24th World Conference on Health Promotion. Montreal, Virtual.
Corrente, M., Ferguson K., Rodger, S. (2022) Education Worker Mental Health: Where Do We Go From Here? Healthy Productive Work Partnership. The University of Ottawa, Virtual [webinar].
Corrente, M. Rather than teacher burn out, let’s talk about teacher burn in. (January 10, 2022) Quoi Media.
Bourgeault, I, & Ferguson, K. (2021). Examining the Gendered Nature of Mental Health Variables, Leaves of Absences and Return to Work Experiences from a Comparative Perspective. Presentation at The Canadian Teachers’ Federation National Teacher Research Network meeting.
Corrente, M. Pandemic Fatigue and Burnout. The Teaching Hub. Nipissing University.
Corrente, M., Ferguson, K., Mawko, J., & Bourgeault, I. (June 2021). Stakeholders Speak Up: Mental Health Realities Across the Profession [Infographic]. Healthy Professional Worker Partnership – Teaching.
Ferguson, K., Corrente, M. (May 23, 2021) “Canadian K-12 Teachers at a Breaking Point: Education Experts Say Systemic Changes are Urgently Needed to Support Their Mental Health" Presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Science
Corrente, M. & Ferguson, K. (May/June 2021). Stakeholders Speak Up: Mental Health Realities Across the Profession. Presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the Canadian Sociological Association at the University of Alberta (virtual)
Ferguson, K., & Bourgeault, I., (March 11, 2021) "Preliminary Findings of Teacher Mental Health, Leaves of Absences, and Return to Work, Healthy Productive Work Partnership" Presented to Canadian Teachers Federation.
Ferguson, K., James, Y., & Bourgeault, I. (June 2019). Teacher Mental Health, Leaves of Absences, and Return to Work: A Pilot Study Examining Gender and Care. Paper presented at the Global Carework Summit, Toronto, ON.
Ferguson, K., et al. (April 2019). A Scoping Review of Teacher Stress and Leaves of Absences. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, ON.
Ferguson, K., James, Y, Atanackovic, Y, Ahmed, N, & Bourgeault, I.L. (submitted). Teacher Leaves of Absences and Return to Work: A Scoping Review. Submitted November 25, 2019 to the Journal of Teaching and Learning.
Ferguson, K. (2018, December 4). Mental Health of Professionals: Partnering with Workers. Keynote speaker at the North Bay and District Labour Council Health and Safety Awards Dinner, North Bay, ON.
Ferguson, K. (2018, November 23). Teacher Mental Health and Stress. Invited speaker at Professional Development Day, Widdifield Secondary School, Near North District School Board, North Bay, ON.
Corrente, M. (August 26, 2020). In the rush to get back to school, let’s not forget teachers’ mental health. The Star.
In the News
Corrente, M. (2024, April 22) “Mental Health Toolkit for Education Workers: A Resource”, PHE Journal.
Canadian Teachers’ Federation. (Executive Producer). (2024, April 12) “ABSENT: Not Meeting Student Needs, A Systemic Problem (Part 2)” [Audio podcast].
Canadian Teachers’ Federation. (Executive Producer). (2024, April 5) “ABSENT: The Violence of Austerity in Schools (Part 1)” [Audio podcast].
Palmer, M. (2023) “Substance Use by Teachers More Than Doubled During the Pandemic”, Canadian Teacher, 1(20).
“Research on teachers' mental health presented on national stage." The NU News. December 20, 2022
Corrente, M. (January 4, 2022) "Rather than focusing on teacher burn out, let's talk about teacher burn in." Toronto Star
Wilson, P. (May 27, 2021). Teachers at 'tipping point' – researchers. The North Bay Nugget, p. A1.
Scholars say pressure on teachers is overwhelming, call for the provision of mental health support. (May 25, 2021). SingTao Daily, p. A2.
Canadian K-12 Teachers at a Breaking Point: Education Experts Say Systemic Changes are Urgently Needed to Support Their Mental Health (May 23, 2021). Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences Blog.
Corrente, M. (May 20, 2021) "Canadian Teachers At A Breaking Point". CTV News Ottawa
Corrente, M (September 1, 2020). Teacher’s Mental Health (12:20-20:00), Global News - The Morning News with Sue Deyell and Andrew Schultz.
North Bay Nipissing News (October 10, 2018). Nipissing University professor part of landmark study on mental health.
Nipissing University (October 10, 2018). Dr. Ferguson part of large landmark study on mental health in the workplace. The NU News.
Meet the Team
Kristen Ferguson (Team Lead) (she/her)
Kristen Ferguson is an Associate Professor of Education at the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University. Her research interests include literacy education, teacher professional development and teacher stress in education. She has published on teacher stress, job satisfaction, and social support in The Journal of Teaching and Learning and Brock Education.
Susan Rodger (Co-Lead) is a Psychologist and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at Western University, a Principal Investigator at the Centre for School-Based Mental Health, and a member of the Gender, Trauma and Violence Knowledge Incubator at Western.
Melissa Corrente (she/her) is a Research Associate at the University of Ottawa and trainee network co-lead for the HPW Partnership. She received her PhD, MEd, and BEd degrees from Nipissing University and her BA degree from Wilfrid Laurier University. She teaches courses on health and physical education and her research interests include teacher mental health and food literacy for children. Melissa has published in The Parent Track: Timing, Balance, and Choice in Academia and the Physical & Health Education Journal. She is the mother of two school-aged children and an outdoor enthusiast.
Yvonne James, PhD in Feminist and Gender Studies, University of Ottawa, is a member of the teaching case study. She also contributed earlier to the academic case study during the partnership development phase, and as a member of the Healthy Academic Women at Work project, which predated the HPW Partnership.