Sources of Data
Presentation & Publications
Sources of Data
A total of 19 stakeholder interviews have been conducted.
A total of 202 worker survey responses have been analyzed.
A total of 44 worker interviews have been conducted.
Social Media Graphics
Source: Chamberland-Rowe, C., Atanackovic, J., Benoit, C., Thiessen, K., Neiterman, E., Freeman, A., & Bourgeault, I. (2021). Delivering on the Quadruple Aim in Midwifery Care: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Mental Health, Leave of Absence and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Midwives. Video presented at the Annual Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Canada, May 19, 2021. https://youtu.be/7Tp5Xfx387E.
To cite this infographic: Chamberland-Rowe, C., Atanackovic, J., Neiterman, E., Thiessen, K., Benoit, C., Mawko, J., & Bourgeault, I.L. (2021). Stakeholder Perspectives on the Mental Health, Leave of Absence and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Midwives [Infographic]. Healthy Professional Worker Partnership – Midwifery. https://www.healthyprofwork.com/midwifery/#stakeholder-interviews.
Presentations & Publications
Thiessan, K., Benoit, C., Atanackovic, J., Neiterman, E., Gregory, K., Akuamoah-Boateng, H., Freeman, A., Mellor, A., & Bourgeault, I. (2024). “Midwives’ Pathways from Health to Leaves of Absence and Return to Work: Findings from a Pan-Canadian Study” Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice (CJRMP).
Gregory, K., Aggarwal, M., Ahmed, N., Atanackovic, J., Benoit, C., Boateng, H., Chamberland-Rowe, C., Cote, N., Elmestekawy, N., Freeman, A., Hedden, L., Mihailescu, M., Neiterman, E., Simkin, S., Spencer, S., Splig, E., Thiessen, K., & Bourgeault, I. "Professional Workplace as a Site of Production of Common Mental Health Problems: The Decisions of Physicians and Midwives to take a Leave of Absence from Work." Presented at the 2022 CAHSPR Conference.
Neiterman, E., Thiessen, K., Benoit, C., Gregory, K., Freeman, A., Chamberland-Rowe, C., & Bourgeault, I. "Mental Health, Leaves of Absence and Midwifery Employment Models: Findings from the Healthy Professional Workers’ Study." Presented at the 2022 Canadian Health Workforce Conference. December 6-8, 2022
Neiterman, E., Thiessen, K., Benoit, C., Gregory, K., Freeman, A., Atanackovic, J., Chamberland-Rowe, C., & Bourgeault, I. "Navigating Midwifery Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Midwives’ Health Challenges." Presented at 2022 CARWH Conference September 14-16, 2022
Thiessen, K., Benoit, C., Freeman, A., Atanackovic, J., Neiterman, E., & Bourgeault, I. "What do we know about mental health experiences of midwives in Canada? Preliminary findings from The Health Professional Worker Partnership." Webinar April 26, 2022
Neiterman, E., Atanackovic, J., Chamberland-Rowe, C., Benoit, C., Thiessen, K., Bourgeault, I. (2021). (Re)constructing Narratives: Midwives' Experiences of Mental Health Issues in COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at 2021 Qualitatives. https://uottawa-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ftule009_uottawa_ca/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=0e444ec98145e42fb94d5a7288b3653b7&authkey=AcGOnxztJQAIU27f_gu-MOE&e=BNWwk8.
Atanackovic, J., Benoit, C., Boateng, H., Chamberland-Rowe, C., Freeman, A., Gregory, K., Khalikova, R., Neiterman, E., Onyechie, K., Thiessen, K., Simkin, S., & Bourgeault, I. (2021). Mental health, leaves of absence and return to work in the midwifery profession: Findings from a pan Canadian survey of Canadian midwives and midwifery trainees. Presented at the Canadian Association of Midwives. https://uottawa-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ftule009_uottawa_ca/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=0ba22411266ed49e7ab04f44097f9b5a7&authkey=ARWLbY8pBFCXgn0NIddENf8&e=1PeH9u.
Caroline Chamberland-Rowe. (2021). Delivering on the Quadruple Aim in Midwifery Care: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Mental Health, Leave of Absence and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Midwives. Presented at the CAHSPR Conference. https://uottawa-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ftule009_uottawa_ca/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=0435c771dba324bb29ee03abdf1d350b1&authkey=AdLcnxSNEDcAgZhIpb5ewvM&e=ycViR8.
Chamberland-Rowe, C., Atanackovic, J., Neiterman, E., Thiessen, K., Benoit, C., & Bourgeault, I.L. (2021). Delivering on the Quadruple Aim in Midwifery Care: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Mental Health, Leave of Absence and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Midwives. Video presented at the Annual Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, May 19, 2021. https://youtu.be/7Tp5Xfx387E.
Chamberland-Rowe, C., Atanackovic, J., Neiterman, E., Thiessen, K., Benoit, C., Mawko, J., & Bourgeault, I.L. (2021). Stakeholder Perspectives on the Mental Health, Leave of Absence and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Midwives [Infographic]. Healthy Professional Worker Partnership – Midwifery. https://www.healthyprofwork.com/midwifery/#stakeholder-interviews.
Freeman, A.; Chamberland-Rowe, C., Atanackovic, J., Benoit, C., Thiessen, K., Neiterman, E., Lawford, K., & Bourgeault, I. (2020). Leaves of absence and return to work among Canadian midwives. CAM Knovember Virtual Conference, Canada, Nov 19.
Atanackovic, J., Neiterman, E., Benoit, C., Thiessen, K., Freeman, A., Chamberland- Rowe, C., Demers, C., Tracey, A., Brondani, M., Maragha, M., Simkin, S., Mihailescu, M & Bourgeault, I. (2020). The impact of workplace context on mental health issues for professional workers: Comparing the case of physicians, midwives and dentists. Canadian Health Workforce Virtual Conference.
Atanackovic, J., Freeman, A., Demers, C., Neiterman, E., Benoit, C., Tiessen, K., & Bourgeault. I (2020). Leaves of Absence and Return to Work among Canadian Midwives who Experience Mental Health Issues: Pilot Study Findings. The Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, accepted Nov. 19, 2020.
Leslie, K., Benoit, C., Freeman, A., & Bourgeault, I. (2020). Advancing Regulatory Coordination: The Regulatory Amalgamation for Nursing and Midwifery in British Columbia. Health Reform Observer [under review].
Chamberland-Rowe, C., Atanackovic, J., Demers, C., Benoit, C., Neiterman, E., Thiessen, K., Bourgeault, I., & Sandall, S. (2019). Mental Health, Leaves of Absence and Return to Work Experiences Among Canadian Midwives. Presented at the Canadian-Australian Health Sociology Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 7, 2019.
Freeman, A., Neiterman, E., Atanackovic, J., Benoit, C., Thiessen, K., Demers, C., Sandall, J., Bourgeault, I. (2019). Mental Health and Return to Work: A Pilot Study of Canadian Midwives’ Experiences in the Workforce. Presented at the Canadian Association of Midwives (Cam) Conference, Halifax, NS, October 23-25, 2019.
Neiterman, E., Atanackovic, J., Simkin, S., Thiessen, K., & Bourgeault, I. (2019). Professional Workplace as a Site of Production of Common Mental Health Problems: Case of Physicians and Midwives. Presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, NB, May 9-11, 2019.
Atanackovic, J., Benoit, C., Demers, C., Neiterman, E., Thiessen, K., & Bourgeault, I.L. (2018). Mental Health Experiences and Leaves of Absence among Canadian Midwives. Presented at the Ontario Midwifery Conference, Muskoka, ON, May 7-9, 2018.
Culminating Dialogue
Midwives’ pathways from mental health to leaves of absence and return to work. Presented by Kellie Thiessen on June 12, 2024
Integrating Indigenous Midwives into a Comprehensive Primary Care Setting. Presented by Cecilia Benoit on June 12, 2024
What do we know about mental health experiences of midwives in Canada? Preliminary Findings from the Healthy Professional Worker Partnership
Preliminary findings presented by Kellie Thiessen and the Midwifery team on behalf the Healthy Professional Worker Partnership initiative on April 26, 2022.
Read the Presentation Slides
Presented by Caroline Chamberland-Rowe at the 2021 Annual Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference on May 19, 2021.
For the text version of the presentation, please view the PDF.
Recommended citation: Chamberland-Rowe, C., Atanackovic, J., Benoit, C., Thiessen, K., Neiterman, E., Freeman, A., & Bourgeault, I. (2021). Delivering on the Quadruple Aim in Midwifery Care: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Mental Health, Leave of Absence and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Midwives. Presented at the Annual Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Canada, May 19, 2021.
Freeman, A (June 1, 2020). Midwifery During the Time of COVID-19. HPW Blog. https://www.healthyprofwork.com/hpw-blog/midwifery-during-covid19.
Meet the Team
Kellie Thiessen (Team Lead) (she/her)
Kellie Thiessen is a registered midwife, registered nurse and Associate Professor and Director of the Bachelor of Midwifery Program at the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. She has worked as a midwife in the US, Brazil and in Canada. Her research focused on improving access to comprehensive maternal and child health care via capacity building of an integrated health workforce.
Cecilia Benoit (Co-Lead) (she/her)
Cecilia Benoit is a Scientist at the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at the University of Victoria. Her research examines the multiple dimensions of health inequities embedded in laws, policies and programs and searches for evidence-based solutions. She is a recent recipient of the 2020 Killam prize.
Elena Neiterman (she/her) is a Continuing Lecturer in the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo. Elena received her PhD in Sociology. Her expertise is in health human resources, health policy, work-life balance, women and work, and qualitative research methods.
Jelena Atanackovic (PhD) (she/her) is a Research Associate in the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies at the University of Ottawa. She obtained her PhD in Sociology from McMaster University. Her research interests focus primarily on health and healthcare policy, and she is highly engaged in the midwifery and dentistry case studies of the HPW project. Jelena is a co-leader of the HPW Trainee Network, and helps with the HPW project's overall coordination.
Caroline Chamberland-Rowe (she/her) is a PhD student in the Health Systems Management Program at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management, a CIHR Health System Impact Fellow working with the Champlain Maternal Newborn Regional Program and a Trainee with the Canadian Health Workforce Network.
Kelly Gregory (she/her) is a new and developing researcher in the field of women's health, with a focus on qualitative methodologies. Studying with the University of Waterloo at the School of Public Health and Health Systems, her undergraduate honours thesis examined the experiences of lesbians using reproductive healthcare services to build their families. Now pursuing her Master of Science, her focus will turn to first responders through a comparative analysis of the occupational experiences of women firefighters, police officers, and paramedics. When she's not at the computer, Kelly loves to tend the vegetable garden and cook for her family.
HPW Alumna
Angela Freeman, RM, MSc (she/her) is a practicing midwife in Owen Sound, ON and surrounding rural communities. A recent graduate from School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo (MSc ’20), her research interests include models of care for early pregnancy loss, and the integration and sustainability of the midwifery profession within broader health systems. A former trainee on the midwifery case, Angela remains connected with the project in an advisory capacity.