Sources of Data
Presentations & Publications
Sources of Data
642 articles screened
235 included
86 extracted
Stakeholder Interviews are currently ongoing.
Worker interviews are currently ongoing.
Survey responses from 304 physicians, resident physicians or fellows, and medical students
Mental Health, LOA and RTW Experiences of Physicians
December 2021
To cite this infographic: Simkin, S., Hedden, L., Neiterman, L., Spilg, E., Côté, N., Aggarwal, M., Mihailescu, M., Spencer, S., Gregory, K., Ahmed, N., Elmestekawy, N., Mawko, J., & Bourgeault, I. (2021). Mental Health, LOA and RTW Experiences of Physicians [Infographic]. Healthy Professional Worker Partnership – Medicine.
Presentations & Publications
Mihailescu, M., Neiterman, E., Atanackovic, J., Boateng, H., Aggarwal, M., Simkin, S., Splig, E., & Bourgeault, I. (2022)“Examining the Gendered Nature of Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence, & Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Physicians: Guiding Interventions to Support Physician Wellbeing” Presented at the 2022 International Conference on Physician Health.
“The respective roles of individual-level and system-level interventions to promote physician wellness: A panel discussion”. Webinar, December 16, 2021
Lavoie-Tremblay, M. (2021) "Les stratégies d'attraction et de rétention des infirmières en centre hospitalier" Presented at Centre intégré universitaire de santéet de services sociaux de l'Est-de-l'Îlede-Montréal. November 19, 2021
Price, S. (2021) "Workplace Wellness and Mental Health: The Pandemic Effect". Driving the Future of Digital Health (DFDH) conference, November 2, 2021
Simkin, S., & Bourgeault, I., (2021) “Preliminary Findings from the HPW Medicine Case Study” at Canadian Medical Association Physician Wellness & Medical Culture Team Rounds. September 28
“Mental Health Across the Life Course of Physicians: A Mixed Methods Study” Presented at the Canadian Sociological Association Congress. May 31, 2021
Mihailescu, M., Aggarwal, M., Hedden, L., Neiterman, E., Simkin, S., and Bourgeault, I.L. (2021) "Examining the Gendered Nature of Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence & Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Physicians: A Case Study of the Healthy Professional Workers Partnership" Presented at the CAHSPR Conference.
Simkin, S., Hedden, L., Neiterman, L., Spilg, E., Côté, N., Aggarwal, M., Mihailescu, M., Spencer, S., Gregory, K., Ahmed, N., Elmestekawy, N., Mawko, J., & Bourgeault, I. (2021). Mental Health, LOA and RTW Experiences of Physicians [Infographic]. Healthy Professional Worker Partnership – Medicine.
Mihailescu, M., Aggarwal, M., Hedden, L., Neiterman, E., Simkin, S., and Bourgeault, I.L. (December 9, 2020). Examining the Gendered Nature of Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Physicians: A Case Study of the Healthy Professional Worker Partnership. Video presented at the Canadian Health Workforce Virtual Conference 2020.
Simkin S, Aggarwal M, Ahmed N, Hedden L, Marshall E, Mihailescu M, Neiterman E, and Bourgeault IL. "An Examination of Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence, and Return to Work Experiences of Canadian Physicians: A Case Study of the Healthy Professional Workers Partnership." Poster presentation at the Canadian Conference on Physician Health, St John's, NF, October 5, 2019.
Bourgeault IL, Aggarwal M, Ahmed N, Demers C, Hedden L, Marshall E, Mihailescu M, Neiterman E, and Simkin S. "Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence, and Return to Work of Canadian Physicians: A Case Study from the Healthy Professional Worker Research Initiative." Oral presentation at the CSSH Canadian-Australian Health Sociology Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 7, 2019.
Ahmed, N., Simkin, S., Demers, C., Hedden, L., Neiterman, E., & Bourgeault, I.L. Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence and Return to Work of Physicians: A Mixed Methods Case Study. Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Montreal, May 28-31, 2018.
Neiterman E, Atanackovic J, Simkin S, Thiessen K, Benoit C, and Bourgeault IL. “Professional workplace as a site of production of common mental health problems: Physicians and Midwives.” Oral presentation at the Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, NB, May 10, 2019.
Mihailescu, M., Neiterman, E. A scoping review of the literature on the current mental health status of physicians and physicians-in-training in North America. BMC Public Health 19, 1363 (2019) doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7661-9
Ahmed N, Simkin S, Hedden L, Neiterman E, and Bourgeault IL. "Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence, and Return to Work: A Case Study of Physicians." Oral presentation at the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, BC, October 23, 2018.
Simkin S, Ahmed N, Hedden L, Neiterman E, and Bourgeault IL. “Mental Health Issues, Leaves of Absence, and Return to Work of Canadian Physicians: A Case Study from the Healthy Professional/Knowledge Worker Research Initiative.” Poster presentation at the International Conference on Physician Health, Toronto, ON, October 9, 2018.
Mihailescu M, Neiterman E. "A Scoping Review of the Literature on the Current Mental Health Status of Physicians and Physicians-in-Training in North America." Oral Presentation at the Canadian Health Workforce Conference, Gatineau, QC, October 4, 2018.
Mihailescu M, Neiterman E. "A Scoping Review of the Literature on the Current Mental Health Status of Physicians and Physicians-in-Training in North America." Poster Presentation at the Canadian Health Workforce Conference, Gatineau, QC, October 4, 2018.
Culminating Dialogue
How can we improve the mental health of physicians in Canada? Presented by Elena Neiterman on June 12, 2024
Physician mental health experiences over the life course and policy implications. Presented by Sarah Simkin on June 12, 2024
The Retrospective roles of individual-level and system-level interventions to promote physician wellness
This video was presented as part of the Healthy Professional Worker Partnership Webinar series in 2021 by Dr. Kim Kelly, Dr. Simron Singh, and Dr. Ed Spilg.
Meet the Team
Sarah Simkin (Team Lead) (she/her)
Sarah Simkin is a family practice anaesthetist and health workforce researcher. She brings to this project the perspective of a provider working within the healthcare system, expertise in the use of quantitative research methods, and experience in engaging with partners and stakeholders to address health systems issues.
Lindsay Hedden (Co-Lead) (she/her)
Lindsay Hedden is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University as well as Assistant Scientific Director at the BC Academic Health Science Network. She is a quantitative, administrative data specialist, but also has expertise using survey data, patient reported outcomes, and cost-effectiveness modeling.
Monica Aggarwal is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. Monica’s primary professional and research interests are health services delivery and health policy in Canada, with emphasis on primary and community health care.
Elena Neiterman (she/her) is a Continuing Lecturer in the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo. Elena received her PhD in Sociology. Her expertise is in health human resources, health policy, work-life balance, women and work, and qualitative research methods.
Ed Spilg (he/his) MBChB MSc FRCP (Glasg) Division of Geriatric Medicine, The Ottawa Hospital, Assistant Professor and Research Chair in Physician Wellness, Dept. of Medicine, University of Ottawa Senior Clinician Investigator, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Nancy Côté (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Université Laval, and a research scholar – Junior 1 du Fonds de recherche santé du Québec. She is the co-leader of the theme area Environments: living, care and work environments of Vitam, centre for sustainable health research.
Kelly Gregory (she/her) is a new and developing researcher in the field of women's health, with a focus on qualitative methodologies. Studying with the University of Waterloo at the School of Public Health and Health Systems, her undergraduate honours thesis examined the experiences of lesbians using reproductive healthcare services to build their families. Now pursuing her Master of Science, her focus will turn to first responders through a comparative analysis of the occupational experiences of women firefighters, police officers, and paramedics. When she's not at the computer, Kelly loves to tend the vegetable garden and cook for her family.
HPW Alumna
Sarah Spencer (she/her) is a Research Coordinator in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. With an MSc in Social Policy and an MPH, Sarah’s interests are in exploring laws and policies that structure inequitable experiences of health and wellbeing through qualitative research and policy analysis.
Nabeelah Ahmed completed her MSc in Health Systems from the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Dr. Ivy Bourgeault. She is interested in mental well-being in the health workforce with a particular interest in resident physician mental health. Nabeelah worked as a research assistant with the medicine case since the partnership development phase and looks forward to continuing to contribute to the team.
Mara Mihailescu (she/her) recently completed her MSc in Health Systems from the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of by Dr. Ivy Bourgeault. Her thesis examined mental health and leave of absence experiences of early-career female physicians using qualitative research methods. Her research interests are the mental health of the health workforce, women in medicine, and medical training and culture.