Our Approach
Multi-Method Partnership Approach
A mixed methods approach involving qualitative data – i.e., the collection and analysis of documents, observations and interviews with the range of stakeholders – augmented with quantitative data from available administrative and newly developed survey datasets will help us to capture the complexity of the path between mental health, leaves of absence and return to work.
Comparing across professions, locations and employing mixed-methods will allow us to address critical knowledge gaps in a truly ground-breaking partnership research program.
We take an explicit gender perspective in the collection and interpretation of the data gathered, which we will augment with a broader intersectionality lens and life course approach.
We will integrate our partners throughout the entire research process beginning with co-developing the research foci, accessing existing and collecting new data, interpreting the findings, and translating the knowledge into more effective and equitable leave of absence and return to work policies, practices and programs.
Our ultimate goal is to propose, develop and evaluate gender-sensitive interventions that promotes psychological health and safety of professional workers enabling them to take time off when needed and return to healthy work.